«This year's Goldman Environmental Prize winner says the battle for land rights in Liberia is just getting underway». Lien : Place, 17/05/19, The (...)
«Communities in the Suakoko District in Bong County are breaking traditional barriers around the ownership of land, thanks to a project being run (...)
«The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) and the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet, have recommitted to fully (...)
«“Au lieu de les dynamiser, la culture d’huile de palme appauvrit les communautés. Cela n’est nullement un développement. Parfois les entreprises du (...)
«A civil society organization, the Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI), has begun a project to assist rural communities in Liberia to (...)
«L'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID) s'est engagée mercredi, le 11 avril 2019, à soutenir l'Autorité foncière du (...)
«From forced eviction to loss of livelihood, social status, savings and even life, land corruption in Africa has serious and far-reaching (...)
«In September 2018, President George Weah signed the Land Rights Act into law. The law is ambitious and clearly asserts the right to what is known (...)
«The Land Rights Law (LRL) is a milestone legal instrument, but if “gaps” within the law are not bridged and its “contradictions” to the Community (...)
«Liberia is in the throes of finalising one of Africa’s most progressive land rights laws but its potential will be thwarted if women are excluded» (...)
«Le géant malaisien de l’huile de palme, Sim Darby se rapproche de la sortie du Liberia avec la signature de plusieurs accords de non-divulgation (...)
«Infractions au droit foncier, expulsions, violences: Le groupe luxembourgeois Socfin, exploitant des plantations, et ses filiales sont impliqués (...)
«Save My Future/ Foundation (SAMFU), a local nongovernmental organization, is calling for a separate regulator for large-scale concessions in (...)
«The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) has said Liberia continues to experience huge land conflicts in Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba, Bong, and Grand (...)
«Le président libérien George Weah a promulgué, mercredi 19 septembre, une loi historique sur la propriété de la terre. Une réforme attendue depuis (...)
«Liberians displaced by the civil war are gradually returning home, filled with dreams of rebuilding their shattered country. Many have invested (...)
«As lawmakers consider the Land Rights Bill, Landesa continues to build our support for pro-poor, gender-equitable land reform in Liberia. Last (...)
«USAID’s E3/Land and Urban Office, Namati and the International Development Research Centre jointly funded a rigorous midline evaluation of the (...)
«Des autorités administratives et traditionnelles libériennes et ivoiriennes se sont accordées sur la création d’un cadre permanent de rencontre entre (...)
«Addressing gender disparities in the context of land reforms is not easy. Effectively addressing gender issues takes time and effort, which can (...)