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Conclusions et recommandations of the Regional workshop to launch the drafting process of the NAIPs and RAIP of 2nd generation, held in Abidjan from may 30 to june 2, 2016

The regional inception workshop of the drafting process of the National Agricultural Investment Plans (NAIPs) and the Regional Agricultural Investment Plan (RAIP) was held from 30 May to 2 June 2016 in Abidjan, on invitation of the ECOWAS Commission.

Took part in the workshop: representatives of the States, the African Union Commission, the NEPAD Agency, the ECOWAS Commission, regional and international technical institutions (FAO, CILSS, CORAF/WECARD, AfricaRice, IFPRI, HUB RURAL ), socioprofessional organisations, civil society (ROPPA, APESS, RBM, WAWA, WILDAF, POSCAO), the private sector (ROAC, RECAO and the Federation of the Chambers of Commerce), Technical and Financial Partners, support institutions and programmes (AGRA, Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural) and resource persons.

The aim of the regional workshop was to discuss and validate the 2nd generation NAIP and RAIP drafting process and initiate its implementation, closely involving the ECOWAS Member States, the various stakeholder categories and all regional and international technical and financial partners.

[Download the final report>http://www.hubrural.org/IMG/pdf/releves_de_conclusion_et__de_recommandations_pnia2.0_abidjan_vf_angl_.pdf]

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Crédits: AK-Project