BRAC Food Security and Livelihood programme aims to improve food security and livelihoods ; reduce hunger and malnutrition ; reduce poverty through increased environmentally sustainable agricultural production. The programme is active in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Afghanistan, with expansion plans underway in Nepal and Myanmar. This Programme manages holistic interventions which include training, input supply, promote the use of efficient farming techniques and proven technologies, linkage with market actors, financial institution and extension services. Women and young people are particularly targeted to engage them with the farming sector as a dynamic growing business. The programme has reached about 3 million populations.
Key Responsibilities :
Proper planning and timely implementation of projects, lead and coordinate project activities, manage and provide technical guidance to team, reporting in adherence with BRAC and donor guidelines and standards , developing new projects for fund raising (in coordination with the country and head office and affiliate team), and working closely with government counterparts, stakeholders :