«Drawing from lived experiences among indigenes, traditional authorities, and planners in four peri-urban communities in two Ghanaian cities with (...)
«The Chiefs and Landowners of Torgorme in the North Tongu District of the Volta Region are calling on the government to return to them the 17,000 (...)
Le Mécanisme africain de financement du développement des engrais (Mafde) va accorder une garantie partielle de crédit commercial de $2 millions à (...)
Accéder aux articles : [Urban Planning, Institutional Pluralism, and Indigenous Belief Systems in Peri-Urban Ghana in the Era of Land (...)
«The Managing Director of Cocoa Processing Company (CPC), Nana Dr Agyenim Boateng, has advised cocoa farmers and land owners not to sell their (...)
«Selon une note du ministère des Terres et des Ressources naturelles, le ministre du secteur a souligné que "les problèmes de frontières sont d'une (...)
«Outre les zones de pâturage qui permettront d’alimenter 520 000 têtes de bétail pendant quatre mois de l'année, cette superficie dédiée comprend (...)
Plus de 150 000 hectares (ha) ont été identifiés au Ghana par le gouvernement pour constituer des réserves de pâturage, a indiqué jeudi le ministre (...)
«A joint team of Northern Regional Security Council and officials from the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, will in two weeks, commence (...)
«Since 2003, the formalization of property rights through titling became an integral component of decentralized land administration efforts in (...)
«The problem with the current land sale and purchase process is that it is done offline. And the person selling the land might not be the only (...)
«Pays frères voisins en Afrique de l’ouest, le Ghana et le Togo ont des relations séculaires et partagent une frontière commune dont il s’avère que la (...)
Articles concernant l’Afrique de l’Ouest : Land Disputes and Conflicting Land-Court Judgement Resolution in Ghana: Perspectives of Regulatory (...)
«The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual description of how land access, under the traditional system, can be reconciled with (...)
«It was found that critical issues emerging after the closure of plantations include how to secure alternative livelihoods for former workers, (...)
«The article presents case studies from three sub-Saharan African countries on local-level experiences in the applications of fit-for-purpose (...)
«I carried out a review of literature on pastoralist conflicts in Africa and found that another theme emerged: the role of institutions. (...)
Liens : Land Portal, mars 2021, Ghana - Context and Land Governance Land Portal, mars 2021, [Liberia - Context and Land Governance (...)
«This study therefore explores the importance of traditional dispute resolution institutions in the management of land-related disputes in (...)
«The study found that dispossession of indigenes and poor accountability on the part of chiefs create contestations within royal family; land (...)