«Highlights • Ability to benefit from charcoal in the forest savanna transitional zone of Ghana is more dependent on property. • Customary (...)
«Since large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) cover less than 9% of Ghana’s 4.7 million hectares of arable land, it may not seem like they would (...)
«Existing studies on blockchain within land administration have focused mainly on replacing or complementing the technology for land registration (...)
«The findings indicated that state actors vilify customary tenure by considering it inimical to economic development and requiring it to be (...)
«(...) the paper examines the levels and rates of land accessibilities within the stream of modern cities. It assesses the land market system (...)
«The results showed that in this structural reform, the ‘allodial title’ holder was much more trusted for tenure security because of the traditional (...)
«It was found that the implementation of a local land use plan is a critical driver of CLRs disputes in Trede. A land-use plan implemented as a (...)
Articles concernant l'Afrique de l'Ouest : Rural Land Utilization and Commercial Agriculture among Female arable Crop Farmers in South West (...)
«Results revealed the existence of food insecurity among smallholder farmers (settlers/migrants) who have both fewer and weaker land rights as (...)
«Our research looked at the ways farmers have responded, including agricultural intensification, extensification, diversification and adoption of (...)
«Ghana has seen a significant surge in large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in recent years, and has in fact become one of the LSLA hotspots in (...)
«Highlights : • Customary land tenure is evolving from a negotiable to an exclusionary system. • Rapid urbanisation and land commodification are (...)
«Nestlé supprime petit à petit de sa chaine d’approvisionnement le cacao produit dans les forêts protégées d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Suite à la pression des (...)
«Highlights There is a literature gap about land conflict reversal pathways and outcomes in large scale land acquisitions and investments. We (...)
«The Network for Women's Right in Ghana (NETRIGHT) have threatened to mobilise women against the country's law makers if they dare expunge a (...)
«The impending new mining law, which will replace Act 730, in place since 2006, will see major tightening of the regulatory framework within which (...)
«Highlights: Paper assesses the impacts of land expropriation on farmer innovations. Farmers are innovating with zai in response to climate (...)
«Ce rapport est le résultat d’un partenariat multi-pays entre l’IIED, TAWLA, NETRIGHT, GSF et IED Afrique visant à renforcer la voix des femmes dans (...)
«Highlights: The household head functioned as the ‘strategic gatekeeper’ in land use decisions. Processes and conditions inside and outside the (...)
«Highlights Land registration is influenced by multiple normative frames, official, social and practical. Cadastral mapping as a (...)