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The 11th CAADP Partnership Platform: much positive talk, but little walk

The 11th CAADP PP was marked by much positive “talk”, with proactive participation of over 400 stakeholders from Africa and beyond. However, argues ECDPM’s Francesco Rampa, it was somehow a lost opportunity.

The 11th Partnership Platform (PP) of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) took place two weeks ago in Johannesburg, South Africa. As I said before travelling there, expectations were high : it was the first PP since the African Union (AU) Heads of State Malabo Declaration. The theme this year –“Walking the Talk : Delivering on Malabo Commitments”– reflected the objective to shape how the Malabo ambitions and new specific commitments will be translated into action, results and impact.


Crédits: AK-Project