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Call for Draft Proposals on the Agroecological Transition Support Project (closing date August 28, 2018)

The Economic Comm unity of West African States ( ECOWAS ) , through its Regional Agency for Agriculture and Foo d ( R AA F ), based in Lomé , with the financial support of the French Development Agency (AFD) , is availing a total amount of Four Million , Six Hundred Thousand Euros (4 , 600 , 000) to support Agro e cologi cal T ransition field projects .

Funds will be granted to s upport quality “innovative” projects with the ultimate objective of strengthening on - going agroecological processes covering a large scale of territories .

The information concern ing eligible organisations, the instructions for the preparation of proposals and the administrative documentation to be submitted, are provided in the Call for Proposals Dossier on the following links :

Dossier (DAP) english

Dossier (DAP) french

Crédits: AK-Project