AgriCord is a network of "agri-agencies", non-governmental organisations for development cooperation with structural links to the farmers’ and rural members’ organisations in their home countries, including the organisations of rural women, young agrarians, cooperatives and agri-businesses. AgriCord was established in 2003. The national farmers’ organisations of Belgium, Canada (Quebec), Finland, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden join in AgriCord, and support "Farmers Fighting Poverty", with the conviction that only by working together can farmers break their isolation, enter the market place and pull themselves out of poverty. Its members include the following nine agri-agencies, which represent their respective national farmers’ organisations : (1) Afdi for FNSEA, APCA, CNJA, CNMCCA (France) ; (2) Agriterra for LTO, SSVO, NCR and NAJK (The Netherlands) ; (3) AsiaDHRRA for the Asian Farmers Association (Asia) ; (4) Asprodeb for it 29 members farmers organisations (Senegal) ; (5) CSA for Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture (Belgium) ; (6) Fert for the group Céréaliers de France (AGPB, AGPM, ARVALIS, UNIGRAINS) ; (7) SCC for the Federation of Swedish Farmers (Sweden) ; (8) Trias for Boerenbond, Landelijke Gilden, KVLV and KLJ (Belgium) ; (9) UPA DI for l’Union de Producteurs agricoles (Québec, Canada).
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